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What is QuickRide?

QuickRide is a service that allows two-passenger vehicles of the Katy and Northwest Hwy HOV lanes during peak hours for a fee. It was designed to help manage main lane traffic by increasing the usage of the HOV lanes while offering a convenience to motorist.

About QuickRide

During peak rush hours, the Katy and Northwest Hwy HOV lanes raise the minimum requirements to 3+ passengers. QuickRide is a program that allows commuters with one additional passenger to continue driving the HOV during these times for just $2 each way. Registration is required. QuickRide members receive an Auto ID (a rearview mirror hang tag) and a METRO Trip Tag (a small, credit card-sized transponder which they must attach to the inside of their windshield). The Trip Tag is "read" each time the motorist uses the Northwest or Katy HOV lanes. An initial balance for the QuickRide service is $40. The $2 cost each way is deducted from the member’s prepaid balance of $40. Whenever the balance falls below $10, the member’s credit card is charged to bring the balance back to $40. Members receive a monthly statement reflecting all trip costs and credit card charges. Motorist can sign up for QuickRide by completing and returning an application to METRO. For more information, visit QuickRide's web site.