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Posted September 2009 PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader

Houston HOT Networks Project

Technical Memoranda Addressing:

  1. Current HOT Lane Usage
  2. Pricing and Occupancy Scenarios
  3. HOT Lane Enforcement Strategies
  4. Toll Equipment, Technology and Related Impacts To HOT Lane Operations
  5. HOT Lane Enforcement Cost Recovery
  6. Back Office Operations for National HOT Lane Projects
  7. Considerations and Guidance for Traffic Control Devices for HOT Lane Networks
  8. Legislative Issues With Regard to HOT Lanes in Houston

Posted February 2008 PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader

Posted June 2007

Posted December 2004 PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader

Pricing System

Enforcement System

Public Education

User Communications System

Toll Collection System

Project Evaluation

Posted July 2004 PDF document - For best results, view PDF files with the most recent version of the Adobe Acrobat Reader